
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud 5L

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Advanced Nutrients Big Bud 5L

Advanced Nutrients Big Bud 5L



Big Bud is not just another PK booster. It is fast becoming known as the finest flowering booster containing a whole spectrum of yield-increasing and quality-boosting ingredients. Giving you yields like nothing else, Big Bud is very highly recommended.

  •     Designed by a team of top scientists with a total of 5 PhDs (Doctorates) dedicated to making products of excellence
  •     Manufactured to the highest possible standards
  •     Provides extra Phosphorous and Potassium (PK) for profuse flowering
  •     Contains L-amino acids – the building blocks of proteins and flowers
  •     Includes ascorbic acid and citric acid to assist respiration.
  •     Perfect for use with the range of Advanced Nutrients base nutrients and other additives and boosters

How Advanced Nutrients - Big Bud works:

Big Bud is a flowering Booster with a difference. Almost all flowering Boosters contain P and K which are used in large amounts during the blooming period. This product not only provides PK but also a whole lot more to enhance flower formation and quality. Amino acids provide the building blocks of proteins for plant cell creation, increased blooming, enhanced metabolism and final plant mass. Amino acids are also integral to the synthesis of alkaloids, phenols, hormones (particularly indole acetic acid or IAA), glutathione and terpines (aromatics). All 20 amino acids are included for a complete profile, leaving the plant wanting for nothing. However, the four most important amino acids for plants during the floral stage are tryptophan, cysteine, glutamate and glycine. Advanced nutrients have emphasised their content and added only the superior, complex and more readily absorbed L-form type in the ingredients.

Magnesium helps to prevent potassium toxicity and improves texture and flavour. Magnesium is also the central atom in a chlorophyll molecule and is essential for optimal photosynthesis. Ascorbic acid and citric acid improve plant respiration and stimulate metabolism, elevating the plant's ability to produce sugars and energy. Big Bud noticeably increases the number of flowering-sites and the amount of calyxes during the early to middle parts of flowering. Towards the end of blooming or fruiting, we recommend you switch your booster to Overdrive in order to finish, swell and ripen your crop. This booster is fully compatible with Sensi Bloom & Connoisseur and will not affect their “pH perfect” technology.

How to use Advanced Nutrients - Big Bud:

Big Bud is for use as a flowering booster & stimulator in addition to your usual hydroponic base nutrient (preferably Sensi Bloom or Connoisseur) from week 2 of flowering through to 3 weeks before harvest.

Fill your recirculating system reservoir with freh water and add your base nutrient and any other additives as usual to the required strength according your feed chart and mix well. Add Big Bud to your feed water/nutrient solution at a rate of 2ml/Litre and again mix well. As long as you have only used Adavanced Nutrients products in their "pH Perfect" range, the pH will be spot-on and will not need adjusting. If you have used any products by other manufacturers then you may need to check and adjust pH. If this is the case, we recommend the use of a pH meter, such as the Horticare pH meter to help accurately set and maintain the pH to the correct level. We always recommend checking the strength of you nutrient solution with a quality meter such as the Bluelab Truncheon to make sure that the strength is appropriate for the type of plant, it's health, and the stage of growth that it is in. We recommend you renew your nutrient solution every 7 days.

At 3 weeks before harvest we recommend you switch to using Advanced Nutrients Overdrive as your booster to finish off your grow as it is specifically designed to swell the increased number of created flowers.

As with all nutrients, boosters and additives, never mix them together in their concentrated form (i.e. straight from the bottle). Always add each nutrient, booster or additive to your reservoir water or feed water in turn, giving the solution a good stir to mix it in before adding the next one.

Advanced Nutrients recommended dosage rates are only for vigorously growing plants that in the peak of health. Slower growing plants and those that are not 100% healthy will require a lower dosage rate.

Dosage: 2ml/Litre

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