
CO2 Boost Bucket Kit

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CO2 Boost Bucket Kit

CO2 Boost Bucket Kit



Co2 Boost Complete Kit 

CO2 Boost is a safe, easy way to add CO2 to your growroom, growchamber, or any enclosed gardening area.

The CO2 Boost Bucket Kit will enrich your CO2 level for 60 days (up to 90 days in some cases) without heavy tanks. Completely natural... 100% organic... And odorless!

If your growroom is properly sealed, you can achieve optimum growing levels at 1000 -1300 ppm in areas up to 10' x 10' x 10'. If your growing area is larger than that we suggest multiple buckets. The manufacturer guarantees CO2 output for 60 days if used constantly. If you coordinate it with a timer to coincide with your lights on/lights off phase, it could last you 75-90 days.

Simply plug the included air pump into your 15 minute timer, and run it during the "lights on" period (when plants can really use the CO2).

- No dangerous open flames!
- No costly start up and maintenance fees!
- No hassle of CO2 tank replacement!
- No hazardous gas burning!
- No plant damaging heat production!

The ingredients in CO2 Boost are 100% all-natural and harmless. Once your bucket has expired, use the remaining ingredients as high grade fertilizer!

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